Saturday, May 30, 2009

Placenta lasagna anyone?

I had heard of people using their placenta after delivery in interesting ways, but listen to the way some women are putting it to use, according to

  • Some women in Hollywood are using extracts from the placenta for facials. It is suppose to help rebuild cells, acceelerate tissue regeneration, and replace vital nutrients lost during childbirth.

  • In some cultures, the placenta is buried after birth. A tree may be planted alongside it to represent growth of their child.

  • The Tolong people of the Philippines put the placenta in a clay pot and then smoke it. Afterwards, they bury the ashes.

  • Some studies show that eating placenta has benefits, including warding off postpartum depression and amping up milk production.

I was happy to let the hospital do whatever they pleased with my placenta. No placenta lasagna for me. But to each their own.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Some interesting prego facts!

I was recently reading Fit Pregnancy magazine and was surprised by some of the prego facts listed under their News To Use section. I thought I would share them with our expecting readers.

1. Water aerobics may make labor feel easier, according to a British study. Although the classes made no difference in the labor's durations, women who participate in pool-based classes during pregnancy are less likely to request pain medication during labor. -S.R. Reproductive Health

2. Being born by elective C-section at 39 weeks increases a baby's risk of health problems. Researchers say that babies delivered at 41 and 42 weeks are also at higher risk for complications. The optimal time is between 39 and 40 weeks. Thirty six percent of elective C-sections are performed before 39 weeks. -S.R. New England Journal of Medicine

3. Research suggests that expecting mothers who have low levels of vitamin D had a 28 percent chance of having a C-section compared to 14 percent of women with normal levels. It is thought that without ample levels of vitamin D, the muscles that push the baby out are weakened. -S.R The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

4. The estimated number of routine prenatal exams done annually in the U.S. is 19,869,962. -National Center for Health Statistics

5. Women with uncomplicated pregnancies enjoy a permanent drop in blood pressure according to a Kaiser Permanente study. The average reduction was 2mm in systolic blood pressure and 1.5 mm in diastolic. -Obstetrics & Gynecology

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mother's Day is just around the corner, Sunday, May 10th! If you're in need of a unique and special Mother's Day gift, here's a list we put together of Posh's Mother's Day Favorites.

1. A versatile and fashionable diaper bag. She'll love our selection of designer diaper bags.

2. An elegant and flattering maternity dress. Make her feel like a million bucks with a swanky maternity dress.

3. Some great organic maternity skincare. Pamper her with belly butter, body toning oil, and and calming aromatherapy by Mambino Organics.

4. A maternity novelty tee. Bring a smile to her face and a little chuckle when she receives a fun and witty novelty tee. (Don't forget your grandmother or grandma-to-be on Mother's Day, we have trendy grandma tees by Posh Mama)

5. A comfy pair of maternity/nursing pj's. She'll love you for buying her buttery soft pj's that she can use now and after the baby's born.