Saturday, January 10, 2009

Who's Harvey Karp?

I recently came across an article in FitPregnancy magazine about a doctor named Harvey Karp. He was a Los Angeles-area pediatrician, but now writes and teaches at hospitals, universities, and military bases. Harvey Karp, M.D. is best known for his DVD and book titled The Happiest Baby on the Block. The book and DVD explain Karp's techniques for calming fussy babies. His program includes the "5 S's" which includes swaddling, side/stomach position, shushing sounds, swinging, and sucking. Karp's reason for The Happiest Baby on the Block series stemmed from his time as a pediatric consultant to the child abuse prevention team at the University of California, Los Angeles. According to the article, Karp was disturbed by the number of infants brought to the emergency room after being abused by a parent. He then began his mission to find the best ways to calm and soothe crying infants. A content baby means more sleep for mom and dad and in turn reduces the risk of postpartum depression and the chances of shaken baby syndrome. To view the "5 S's" and learn more about Karp's techniques, visit

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